Students who've earned over $10,000+ with Amazon FBA!
Eastvale, California
Starting Budget: $2,400 to order the product and $600 for pictures
Made $10,000 in: 4 weeks
"When trying to differentiate a product, find a hole in the market you can fill in!"
Digital nomad originally from London
Starting Budget: $4,000
Made $10,000 in: 2 weeks
"Amazon isn't a quick fix (anymore). But with the right skills and mindset the possibilities are endless.
Dedicate a lot of time to learn how you can actually become successful in 2019 and beyond.
The Amazon game has changed a lot compared to 5-6 years ago, and you'll have to adapt."
Texas, United States
Made $10,000 in: 1 week
Sold 2,000 units in 6 days
California, United States
Made $20,000 in: 1 month
Starting Budget: $7,000
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Starting Budget: $5,000

"Don't try to copy paste a product and add a small trinket to differentiate. Add value by creating a new product that your competitors won't be able to match. Every barrier to entry you're able to overcome puts distance between you and your competitors."
Matt Badr
South Carolina, USA
My advice to newcomers: After 3 launches and 2 failures I've learned aesthetics is not enough. Find a problem and fix it.
Starting Budget: $7,500
Made $10,000 in: 3 weeks
"Do NOT run out of inventory! I estimate I've lost $7,000 in profit from the two times I've stocked out."
Menlo Park, California
Starting Budget: $7,000
Made $10,000 in: 4 weeks
Made $3k profit his first month
Los Angeles, California
Starting Budget: $7,000
Made $10,000 in: 5 weeks
"Once one product starts selling, launch multiple other products in the same brand. That's why my sales took off so fast."
Starting Budget: £6k bank loan and £8k of his own money
Made £10,000 in: 1 month
Sells on Amazon UK
"make sure your product is high quality and well differentiated."
New York City
Starting Budget: $2,500
Made $10,000 in: 10 weeks
"You'll come to realize that this is an actual business. You can't half ass this and expect to make money. But, if put in the work and time to learn then your dreams of "passive" income and being financially free will be reality one day."
United States
Starting Budget: $2,500
Made $10,000 in: 3 weeks
Texas, United States
Starting Budget: $6,500
Made $10,000 in: 4 weeks
Manhattan, New York 
Starting Budget: $10,000

Adam, I've consulted with multiple highly rated FBA pro-sellers but no one has been as targeted, effective, responsive, and helpful as you. The difference is the tailored approach and methodical advice you provide and that is the make or break for any business. Appreciate you brother. I look forward to continued collaboration and success.
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